Monday February 3rd: In the lunch break we will organise an info-meeting in PT1.05. During this info-meeting we will present you the general information of the tour, which cities we will visit, which cultural activities are planned and what the costs are for this study tour. Afterwards we will open the registration for the study tour.
Wednesday February 5th: We will show the film Rio in PT2.25 "het gezelligheidshok" and our Wednesday favorites, Rob and Sjoerd, will be throwing a Brazilian themed party in the Walhalla.
Wednesday February 12th: Thor will be hosting a promotion event where we will have our own stand where you can ask questions or register for the study trip.
Monday February 17th: We will be closing the registration at 10:30 AM! If there are too many registrations we will hold a raffle during the lunch break to decide who can or can't accompany us to Brazil.